Meeting Guidelines

TASMA meetings are held in accordance with the bylaws. Please see the guidelines below:

1. All meeting dates for the following year are published on the website at/before the annual meeting. (i.e. 2022 dates will be published in December 2021)
2. General meetings for TASMA are always held in April and August with the annual meeting being in December.
3. Agenda for meetings are to be published on the website at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
4. We will now send an e-mail reminder 14 days in advance as well as 24 hours in advance to meetings to TASMA members. (even though the notice was given at the annual meeting)
5. All meetings for the foreseeable future are being held online due to COVID restrictions and the health & safety of our members.
6. Due to the confidential information discussed with repeater owners, the Technical Committee meetings are not generally open to the public, they are open however to people who have business with the committee. All decisions of the committee are made public on the meeting minutes, minus any confidential information.
7. All meeting attendees are required to follow the TASMA Code of Conduct.